The weather was unseasobly cold and beautiful, so I decide to make some photos. So I upload the photos on my laptop and I opened blogg...

snow january


The weather was unseasobly cold and beautiful, so I decide to make some photos. So I upload the photos on my laptop and I opened blogger. But, I didn´t know, what to write. I didn´t had any words...becuase how I can express so much beauties like this? 
So I can only say: Czech winter is really strong. But since it was only December last month, I knew to dress warmy...
And in the end, I have finally some words for you, readers, in this year follow your dreams. Becuase when I woke up and I saw the snow, I can believe in magic, again...

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  1. Pekne fotky :) a to si vem ze praha je jedno z nejteplejsich mest, skoda ze nebydlis tady, to by bylo warmy oblikani :D

    1. Haha! Někdy se tam za Tebou budu muset vypravit! To pak budou fotky s rampouchy u nosu! :D

  2. Holky, u nás doma v Šumperku bývaly zimy, kdy bylo -30 stupňů. Fakt masakr, Brno je úplně jiný, ale taky to miluju.
    Moc krásné fotky ;)

    1. what?! Tak to je teda mega masakr, Terezko! Vůbec si to neumím představit...Brno je strašně fajn, už abych tam zase byla. Mám pár nových nápadů kam zajít ;) A děkuji... :)

  3. OMG! I love your photos. How beautiful are these ones? So wonderful!


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